有機溶剤を使用しないで身体に優しく制作できる "Safer Intaglio Studio"
http://www.jaa-iaa.or.jp (日本美術家連盟)
- 各コース随時参加者募集中。入会金不要。
- 丁寧な個別指導でいつからでもすぐに始められます。
- 初心者、1日体験、大歓迎 !
- 刺激の強い有機溶剤を使用しないで制作できるため、スタジオ内の空気は常に澄んでいます。
制作中に気分が悪くなったり、体調不良になった経験をお持ちの人、アレルギー体質で薬品類に過敏な人、こういった原因で制作から遠ざかった人も安心して制作できるスタジオ環境です。ご相談ください。●Studio Kitayama was founded by Makoto Doi in 1997. Since then, Studio Kitayama has put much emphasis on spreading awareness and interest in Printmaking in Kyoto.
The studio recognizes the importance of the role that art plays in society, and how it affects quality of life.
●Studio Kitayama teaches joy of creating and expressing oneself through its classroom and workshops.
The studio is aware of the hazardous nature of printmaking process, and continually works towards offering a safe and environment-friendly facility.
●As a store-based and Internet-based shop of high quality imported intaglio printmaking materials, Studio Kitayama aims to provide excellent price and services.
Makoto Doi
Member of The Committee of University of Art for Print Studies in Japan北山銅版画室の記事を検索